Please let us know by calling the office prior to delivery if you have new landlord splits or have a new account to set up. Thanks!
Receiving Hours
Week of Mar. 10th: Monday 7:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday-Friday - Closed
Annual CGB acreage survey Participants will reveive results when survey is complete. Survey will run Feb. 24th through Mar. 14th Survey link here:
Orders after the close can be put in the overnight trade. All spots and overages will be priced at the close of each day. Please communicate with Erica or Tonya at the scales if you'd like to make other arrangements. Thank you!!!.
** Delayed Price Rates **
"Updated" Flat $0.50/Bu. through 12/31/24 Then $0.12/bu./mo. 1/1/25 through 9/30/25 Must be priced by 10/31/25 No charge if priced within 5 days of delivery. Quantities are limited and subject to change!
LEI-Rate24N-C Effective: 10/1/24
Below are quotes for POET's Accumulator Contracts! Fee for corn & wheat is $.05/bu and soybeans $.08/bu Below is a quick indication for Enhancer & Originator structures for 3/13/25.
Doing wheat accumulators also! Call for details on the July 2025 price!
Grain Buyers
Please give us a call if you would like to schedule an on-farm visit!
Grain Buyers: 567-332-2410 Scale house: 1-866-571-2676 (These numbers are also our nightly bid line after 4:30 p.m.)